INFOGRAPHIC: 2012 Internet & Mobile Trends

As we come to the end of another year, it’s time to look back and see how things have progressed up to now, and being a tech blog, we are naturally going to examine the tech scene during the past year or two. Today’s infographic, courtesy of breaks down and dissects the stats with regards to the way we consumed Internet content up to now. Did the regular PC win out or was it roundly defeated by other forms of communication? And where in the world does the Internet rule supreme?

Yup, as you may have already guessed (or known) by now, the PC is being trashed in favour of smartphones and tablets. But that isn’t really a surprise (especially if you are a regular MakeUseOf reader and you’ve seen our coverage slanting a lot towards mobile and tablet applications). Everyone and their dog has a smartphone in their pocket and a tablet under their arm. And according to today’s infographic, that smartphone is more likely to be an Android phone, rather than an iPhone or Windows phone.

And where does the Internet reign supreme? According to the infographic, China is soaring out ahead with an unassailable lead, with the USA and India in second and third place respectively (but our US readers can console themselves with the fact that they are beating China when it comes to 3G subscribers).

Let us know in the comments what you think of the infographic. Do the stats look accurate to you? Do you agree that the PC is slowly being relegated to history while smartphones and tablets are poised to take over the earth? Let us know what you’re thinking.

2012 Internet and Mobile Trends

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